
How Does God Wwant Us To Spend Our Money

How to Handle Money God's Style

  • 2019 8 Feb
How to Handle Money God's Way

It'due south no secret that the Bible teaches the states to live our lives a piddling flake differently than the globe does. And that's especially true when information technology comes to money.

Practice contentment and don't covet other people's stuff, the Bible says (Hebrews 13:5, Exodus 20:17). But advertisers make you want the life yous see in their commercials. You feel incomplete, and so you manus over the cash, hoping to buy happiness.

Worship God to a higher place all else, and don't worship idols, the Bible tells us (Exodus xx:3–4, Matthew six:24). But people oft make their material possessions into gods without even realizing information technology—especially money.

And when information technology comes to saving, giving and debt, it's no different. The world says one thing, only the Bible points to a better way—a fashion that glorifies God and actually helps united states of america alive fuller, more joyful lives (Galatians 6:8)!

Hey, we get it. It'stough trying to resist the world'south ways when information technology comes to money. We've all experienced temptation in that area and have buckled at some point. That'southward why keeping God's desire for our finances front end of mind is so important.

Remember these iii points side by side fourth dimension you experience the world trying to take your money out of God'southward hands and put it into its own. Y'all've got this!

The world says: YOLO! You only live once! Indulge starting time and save later.
God says: Pay yourself by saving.Then savour the fruits of your labor.

According to a 2015 Federal Reserve study, near half of Americans don't take the cash on hand to cover a $400 emergency. And more than one-half of households couldn't live without their income for just one calendar month without borrowing. Yikes! Lots of Americans definitely prioritize the present over the future.

But Proverbs 21:20 (NIV) explains the value in saving for a rainy solar day: "In the house of the wise are stores of pick food and oil, just a foolish man devours all he has." And even across your own household, saving tin can create financial stability for time to come generations: "A adept man leaves an inheritance to his children's children" (Proverbs 13:22 NKJV).

Information technology's okay to have some fun with your money—equally long equally you lot budget for it, and as long as you payyourself starting time by tucking some of your money into savings.

The earth says: Spend all of your money onyou. There's no way y'all'll have annihilation left over!
God says: Give 10% off the superlative and work toward being able to give even beyond that.

Here's the truth virtually giving: No i gives accidentally. They're intentional well-nigh it. That means that when they budget their money each calendar month, they prepare aside ten% of their income to givebeginning, even before they save it. That's the instruction in Proverbs 3:9–10 (NKJV): "Honor the Lord with your possessions, and with the firstfruits of all your increase; so your barns will be filled with enough, and your vats volition overflow with new vino." And in Malachi 3:10, God tells u.s.a. that those firstfruits should be a tenth of what we produce.

Lots of people say they don't have plenty money to requite. Just the problem might be that they don't make information technology a priority. If giving doesn't happen first, the money will never be there. That's part of why just 5% of all adults have tithed. Among built-in-once more Christians, that number is notwithstanding only 12%.

Giving isn't a priority in the world, only it'south a priority to God.

The world says: Debt can exist a tool to buy things you couldn't otherwise have.
God says: Debt is bad. There's no such thing equally good debt.

Over the past several decades, debt has been marketed then heavily that many people experience like they can't survive without it! In fact, eight in 10 Americans have debt, and seven in x believe it'south necessary. Simply debt has besides forced people to delay or avoid expensive life events like spousal relationship or kids, and it'due south caused bankruptcy, divorce and all kinds of other messes.

Proverbs 22:7 really says borrowing money enslaves you to the lender. And in Romans 13:8, Paul calls us to pay off all our debts so that the only thing we owe each other is love.

The Bible doesn't say debt is a sin, only it has nothing skilful to say about it and definitely discourages it. The gamble y'all accept when taking on debt is too great to brand whatever possible benefits worth it. Take God'south give-and-take on this 1 and salve up to pay greenbacks for the things other people might infringe for.

The Bible is total of wisdom nearly treatment money according toGod's teachings, not the world's. Side by side time you're wondering what to do with your finances, plow to His Give-and-take instead of to the masses!

If yous want to learn more than about what the Bible says about handling money, listen or subscribe to Chris Brown's True Stewardship today!

This article originally appeared on Used with permission.

Publication appointment: Oct 14, 2016



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